Contact Us

Complete the following form to email 24 Hour Home Buyers. Fields marked with an * asterisk are required.

Company: 24 Hour Home Buyers
Address: [email protected] 3389 Sheridan Street, Suite 312 Fort Lauderdale FL 33021
Primary Phone: (954) 317-5964


Llene completamente el siguiente formulario y mándelo por correo electrónico “email” a 24 Hour Home Buyers. Partes marcadas con un * asterisco son requeridas.

Compañía: 24 Hour Home Buyers
Dirección: [email protected] 3389 Sheridan Street, Suite 312 Fort Lauderdale FL 33021
Tel (1): (954) 317-5964


${ errors.first('first_name') }
${ errors.first('last_name') }
${ errors.first('day_phone') }
Example: 1(222) 222-2222


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${ errors.first('day_phone') }

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Sell your house

Jeanne Saved our credit and helped us begin a new chapter in our lives!

I found the affordable housing program and 24 hour home buyers brochures at a home depot on a truck with a big sign on the truck. It said, I can buy your house in 7 days. Well, that was exactly what we needed. I was laid off of work due to the carona virus and I was told to go ahead and collect un employment. Wow, we had just recently improved our credit by working really hard so we could refinance our house to make some much needed repairs. I went on line to fill out the application for un employment. well that was a disaster. I was unable to complete the application. I made several attempts and it never went through. I have no income and my mortgage payment is coming due. we worked too hard to let it go late. My wife has been wanting to move in with her mom to take care of her as she is not doing well. When we called the number on the truck, Jeanne came to save our day. She was able to take over our house payments right away so we didnt have to miss one payment. She was able to get us enough cash to hire a moving company and move on. Jeanne was amazing, she listened to our every need and then showed us a plan to solve our problems. It was perfect! Mom's happy, Deb is happy and I am relieved. Times are changing and Im glad that we were able to get ahead of what is to come. Jeanne was very kind and did everything exactly what she said she would do. I would highly recommend her company to anybody who needs to sell fast. She was fair and honest, We trust her all the way! Thank you, Our Angel!


Rob and Deb Fort Lauderdale, FL